What Really is the Truth About Affiliate Marketing

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what really is the truth about affiliate marketingWhat really is the truth about Affiliate Marketing?

Is Affiliate Marketing a valid business?

Can I make money by being an affiliate marketer?

How long would it take me to earn money if I was doing affiliate marketing?

These are just some of the questions that are frequently asked by people who are looking to earn money online.  The reason for some people to start an affiliate marketing business is because they want to increase their income over and above the full-time or part-time job they are currently working at.

Other people have a desire to start an affiliate marketing business because their circumstances cause a need to work from home.  In spite of their desire and their need for making money they, more often than not, are fearful about the possibility of being successful.

And then there are those people who are influenced by naysayers such as well meaning family members, friends and casual acquaintances who say ‘affiliate marketing – why don’t you get a real job’!

The truth of the matter is that Affiliate Marketing is a real business

There are thousands, or maybe millions, who do not understand the working of an affiliate marketing business.  The reason they don’t understand is that they have no need to work from home.  Neither are they interested in earning an income online. Therefore, these people have never researched affiliate marketing and consequently are uninformed!

But for those who DO wish to have an affiliate marketing business

If your WHY is big enough and you are comfortable working on your own, then to become an affiliate marketer is one of the best home based businesses to consider in these times.

To justify my reason for saying that

From personal experience I am aware that we only need to surf the internet to see that purchasing goods online has taken on big time.   Buying products online is a convenient way for people to shop these days.

Time is precious and rather than manoeuvre a vehicle through crowded traffic, or traipse the streets moving from one shop to another, it is much easier to shop online.

Shipping of goods, even globally, is effortless these days making online purchases even more appealing.

From a business point of view

It is interesting to read that large companies are truly valuing their Affiliate Marketers.  Some are talking about setting up strategies to help keep their existing Affiliate Marketers.

There is talk among these big companies of showing appreciation for the work their affiliate marketers do in promoting the products of these businesses, and bringing in sales.

After all, affiliate marketing is a form of advertising.  The affiliate marketer is promoting the products of companies anxious to sell their goods.

I relate the job of an affiliate marketer in these modern times, to that of a salesperson door-knocking to make a sale and then get paid a commission.  How many doors did, or do, those salespeople have to knock on before they receive a worthwhile commission?

Continuing on the subject of what really is the truth about affiliate marketing

Being an affiliate marketer in 2016, with 2017 almost upon us, is a practical business to develop.  For those who already own an Affiliate Marketing business there is huge opportunity to develop it more.  There is also huge opportunity for newcomers to the Affiliate Marketing world.

The industry of Affiliate Marketing is already huge and continues to grow rapidly.

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