For Associates – Information to Benefit Your Business

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for amazon com associatesDon’t you love being an Amazon Associate?  All the wonderful products they have for you to build your business around.

Wow – there are so many amazing things to be found on Amazon such as Toys for the littlies in the family right through to toys for the much older age group.

There are gorgeous items for our pets whether they are dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, birds.  You name them and Amazon can provide them.

You can promote trendy clothing, cosmetics, jewellery and more.  If that’s not what you are looking for you may decide to promote items for the kitchen, furniture for the lounge or bedroom, or even plants to grow outdoor on the patio.

What more could an affiliate marketer want?

Affiliate Commissions:

Admittedly, commissions paid by Amazon are lower than commissions paid by most other Affiliate Programs but that shouldn’t be a problem with the enormous selection of products to promote.  I see it as a ‘numbers’ game’, for the want of a better expression.

The greater number of products that are sold, the higher the commissions paid.  No-one would argue with that, I’m sure.

Payment of Affiliate Commissions: is excellent at honoring their Associates by paying commissions on an extremely timely basis.

And that is something to be appreciative of.

Obligations of Associate Members

Paying Attention to the Small Print of

From some of the comments and remarks I read online about and what has happened to some affiliate marketers one could not be blamed for thinking that is a little hard on the Associate Members.

But, in fact, are not hard on the Associate members.  All they ask is that their Terms and Conditions, which are well laid out and published on their website for the information of all Amazon Associates, are adhered to.

In addition to the Terms and Conditions being displayed on their Website, keeps their Associates well informed by email of any changes to their Terms and Conditions, and other matters.

This Information Is Important to Save Your Associate Business from being Terminated by

Your Associates/Affiliate account is entirely for the operation of your affiliate marketing business.

If or when you make a purchase of any product from do not make the purchase through your Associate/Affiliate link.  That link is not provided for your personal purchases.

The following information is stated in Clause 7 of the Associates Program Operating Agreement.

Qualifying Purchases exclude, and we will not pay advertising fees on any of, the following:

  • any Product purchased through a Special Link by you or on your behalf, including Products you purchase through Special Links for yourself, friends, relatives, or associates (e.g., personal orders, orders for your own use, and orders placed by you for or on behalf of any other person or entity)

I cannot stress enough the importance of reading the entire content of Clause 7 when you first join the Amazon Associate program.

I do hope you take on board the importance of this information.  I included it on this website due to the fact that I have known of a newly joined member of Amazon’s Associates program who was not aware of this legal stipulation.  Had they proceeded with their intended purchase through their affiliate link, they would have lost the benefit of being an Amazon Associate member.

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