How to Boost Website Ranking In Google Search Engines

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If you are looking to improve your website’s rankings in Google, you will find the answer in this article.

Everyone who owns a marketing website should aim at ranking in Number One position of Google.  If not Number One, the aim should be to rank within the first three positions in Google.

Why anyone wishing to attract customers would be satisfied with less than a First-page ranking is hard to understand.

Think about when you browse the internet looking for products to purchase, or maybe to gain information about certain products.  How many pages of Google do you search?  Not many people look beyond the first page.  Hence, the reason for placing importance on Page 1 ranking in Google.

If you haven’t yet achieved a First Place ranking in Google but your content is appearing on Page 1, you can be reasonably satisfied with your effort.

This Article is Focused on Getting FREE Traffic to a Website.

Free traffic is gained by means of search engine optimization (SEO). Therefore it is vitally important to know how to improve website rankings in Google.

Without Page 1 rankings in Google it is difficult to attract visitors to a website.

Understanding SEO and How to Boost Website Ranking

SEO is no longer about including different keywords multiple times within a post.

One keyword is sufficient for each post.  Decide on a long tail keyword, if possible.

To rank well in the search engines the chosen keyword should be placed as described in the following 4 areas identified with bullet points.

  • Just once within the content.  If the keyword fits well within an H2 or H3 sub-title that’s fine, but not essential.
  • In the Meta Title  (See Red Arrow 1. )
  • The Meta Description  (See Red Arrow 2. )
    In the example below the keyword is:  best domain name for affiliate marketing

How to Boost Website Ranking

  • And, in the Alt Text of an image (as shown below)

how to boost website ranking








Use of Internal and External Links

Another feature to assist with SEO is to use Internal links within the posts or pages of the website.

The links from one post to another post must be relevant to the content of both posts.  The reader must be considered and providing a link to irrelevant content generates a poor user experience.  Something to be avoided at all times.

Including an External link from the new post to an authority site is a benefit to your website. Linking to is one authority site to consider.  The link would need to be marketing (as an example).  Do your research to find if Wikipedia provides quality information relevant to your website.

Many authority websites can be linked to, but they need to be compatible with the subject of your site.


This ranking method in Google search engines is up to the minute in respect to 2017.

Methods of ranking used in previous years are no longer relevant.  For instance, I still hear of and read where people continue to talk about how to do backlinking.

Generating Back Links is a thing of the past that must be forgotten.  Sufficient Back Links will happen automatically as your site grows and matures.

Using outdated search engine optimisation methods will cause a website to be unsuccessful.

Internet marketing has reached a level of sophistication which, in effect, brings simplicity to the function when correctly coordinated and used.

In addition to the above information, the age of a website affects how quickly new content will appear on Page 1 on Google.

The more content is posted to a website, the quicker its rankings will improve.

Posting new content at least twice every week will have a positive influence on a website.  Continue to do this for at least twelve to eighteen months, and your website should flourish.

However, the content posted must be relevant to the website and of good quality.

Quality content posted regularly will bring results.

You can learn more about Search Engine Optimization and building a successful website by Clicking Here.

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16 thoughts on “How to Boost Website Ranking In Google Search Engines”

  1. Hello Valerie
    This is very helpful information to me as an online marketer. Alt tag, meta description, meta title all so well explained. I will definitely implement these strategies and see how things go. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful post.

    Best regards

    • Hi Raman

      Thank you very much for visiting my website, and for your leaving your comment
      I am pleased you found the information about Alt and Title tags to be of help and I hope they work well for you with your website.

      Kind regards

  2. This is one informative article for me. I have been maintaining the old standards of SEO. But this is like a breath of fresh air. The steps that I can do without will allow for optimizing my sit in other ways.

    • Thanks very much Maurice for your comment.

      Yes, the changes in SEO have been significant over many years, but I think they’ve been more rapid in the past two years particularly in regard to keywords and linking.

  3. Very useful article. As a newbie, I had doubt about backlinking and external links.
    Your advice linking each post is valuable. Very informative for newbies.

    • Thank you for your comment. I am pleased you found the article helpful.
      Outward links and internal links are what we need to focus on with our websites.
      Backlinking happens automatically and is something we don’t need to focus on any longer.

      Best wishes.

  4. Thank you for the principles of how to boost post rank in google. If some of our articles have got ranks in google page one, how long it can stay in page one? What should we do to maintain the rank?

    • Thank you Melani for leaving your comment.

      Articles that are ranking on Page 1 of Google are affected by competition and the number of visitors to those articles. To keep articles positioned in Page 1 you need to review their positions at set periods of time. If they are losing Page 1 positions, revise the articles and add appropriate content that will encourage a greater number of visitors to spend more time on the posts. Providing visitors with a good user experience helps greatly with search engine ranking.

  5. Interesting article. I’m working on optimising my website at the moment and found this very useful. Especially the concept of linking to an external authority source. Thank you for sharing.

    • I’m pleased this post was helpful towards optimisation of your website. Linking to external authority sites is sometimes overlooked, but worthwhile making it a regular action when posting new content.

      Thank you Karen.

  6. Valerie,

    This is an awesome post and you are 100% accurate. I am glad I found your website and surely will bookmark it. I love to find other bloggers that are in the same niche with relevant content.

    As you mentioned, the old ways of backlinking is dead. SEO is definitely more sophisticated now but you can definitely achieve first page ranking in google if you practice good SEO, as you have outlined so brilliantly here in your post.

    Looking forward to your next post. Thanks for sharing.

    • Nate,

      Thank you so much for your great comment. I am so pleased to know you agree with me about the fact that backlinking is dead and gone.

      When I read posts of affiliate marketers who are still promoting a need for backlinking I feel a level of despair. If only they would focus on SEO as it is now and not as it has been. So that was what triggered the writing of this post. It is one message that needs to get out there to save time and efforts of at least some affiliate marketing newbies.

  7. How to boost website rankings in google is important, there are so many ways to get rankings but one of the most proven and effective ways is offering valuable content. Content matters and will always matter because when people search for things they want content relevant to what they searched for to show up.

    • So true Aaron. The pace of life is so quick these days and people do not have time to waste by searching through great depths of data. Relevant content with honest and reliable information is what people look for when searching the internet.

      Thank you for stopping by and leaving your comment.

  8. I’ve found that SEO has changed considerably over the last few years. However, I still see a lot of articles recommending back linking which, as you say, is no longer relevant today.

    Thanks for keeping us up to date with SEO in 2017.

    • Thanks so much Marion.

      Your comment is valuable with helping to get the message across that back linking is a thing of the past. Time and energy needs to be spent on SEO appropriate for the time we are living in, presently 2017. Future years will bring the need for revision of SEO practice.


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