Affiliate Marketing for Beginners – What You Need to Know

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If browsing the internet is something you’re familiar with, no doubt you will have seen reference to affiliate marketing. But, do you know what this subject is about.

Surprisingly, a Google search reveals there are currently 24,900,000 people asking the question ‘what is affiliate marketing’. This result tells me that in spite of a large number of people familiar with affiliate marketing, there are still millions across the globe who are seeking information on this subject.

So, if you are one among 24,900,000 searching for information about affiliate marketing this article will be of interest to you.

What is Affiliate Marketing for Beginners About?

There is no difference between the way affiliate marketing is done by beginners, or advanced affiliate marketers. But, this article is about the learning curve of a beginner in affiliate marketing.

Being armed with knowledge leads to success in whatever field we decide for our future income.

Laptop with Tablet and Mobile PhoneThe great thing is that affiliate marketing is something anyone can choose to do. It is available to everyone who has access to the internet, via a computer or laptop. I’ve known of some affiliate marketers working with a tablet or a mobile phone, but how they can be successful with either of those tools, I’m not sure. Building a website per means of a mobile phone is something I definitely wouldn’t recommend. Perhaps at a squeeze, a tablet may do the job!

If you plan to work from home to earn an income, providing yourself with the best computer or laptop you are able to afford has to be an advantage.

But, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Before considering the tools to work with, we need to look at exactly what affiliate marketing is about.

Affiliate Marketing is a Method of Earning an Income Online

  • The majority of established affiliate marketers started their business by being interested in building a website and earning from it. However, many of those people, myself included, had no idea of how the money would be earned. I more or less stumbled into affiliate marketing, and I’m sure that is or was the case with hundreds of others who have become successful affiliate marketers. It was a ‘learn as you go’ process.
  • Now, in 2018 and beyond, there is a vast amount of information available to assist those interested in building an affiliate marketing business. There are reliable programs to follow, as well as information to be found by doing a google search from your internet browser.
  • However, identifying legitimate programs for learning affiliate marketing is something to be careful of. As always, there are those who will say you can make thousands of dollars in a day, a week, or whatever time they think is good for you to believe. So you need to be careful of that and follow only those you have researched and found to be genuine. More information about that later.

Let’s Look at Affiliate Marketing as a Full-time Business

Keep in mind that affiliate marketing is about earning money online. Earning commissions from promoting other people’s products is the focus of affiliate marketing. Therefore, a reason or, as some would say, a strong WHY is needed to become successful at affiliate marketing. However, there is nothing unusual in requiring a good reason to do affiliate marketing. This is somewhat general with most things we desire in this life.

Moving Forward

I recommend asking yourself these 7 questions:

  1. Time is MoneyHow keen are you on working online for several hours per day?
  2. Are you comfortable with a computer screen in front of you, and a keyboard at your finger tips, several hours a day?
  3. Do you have skills to organize your daily timetable, without the help of another person?
  4. Are you willing to set goals to help achieve success?
  5. Does writing come naturally to you?
  6. If writing is not currently your ‘thing’, are you willing to improve in this area?
  7. Do you have a feeling of excitement about starting a new business?

Replying ‘Yes’ to these questions is a great start to building a successful online business.


Rather than immediately committing to a full-time business, you have an option of exploring affiliate marketing and easily building yourself a website. You can use your website to test your skills and keenness to make affiliate marketing your business venture, long term.

This is the way I started affiliate marketing and you can certainly do that too. I mentioned earlier that I stumbled into affiliate marketing. Over time, I found I was ‘addicted’ to it and I’m truly grateful this happened to me. It was a good ‘addiction’ to have.

Starting Small with Affiliate Marketing

Should you choose to start small with affiliate marketing, the procedures will be the same as those who focus on building a full-time business. You will be building a business that you can work at part-time. Therefore, you will still need to learn about:

  • keywords
  • choosing a niche
  • search engine optimization
  • how to write a post or article
  • getting your content indexed and ranked in Google
  • submitting your content to Google
  • tracking your website activity on Google Analytics

Ideally, you would be able to spend a minimum of one hour per day, or approximately 5 hours per week, developing your website. The more time you can spend, the better results you can expect.

So – Who is Best Suited to an Affiliate Marketing Business

My answer to that question is – everyone is suited to owning an affiliate marketing business if they have the desire.

Whatever path we choose with a view to making an income, we must have the passion, interest and determination to make it work.

Levels of SuccessPeople of all ages, with varying interests and different levels of experience are successful in their own affiliate marketing business.

These people were all beginners, just as I was. Neither they, nor I, knew anything about affiliate marketing prior to taking the first step.

People of different stages of life have built successful businesses in affiliate marketing. Some of these people are:

  • Teenagers
  • Young mothers
  • Middle aged couples
  • People with disabilities
  • Retired people
  • People currently successful in IT
  • People from all parts of the world

Whatever stage of life you are at, it’s never too late to create an income working online.

All you need is the desire to make it happen.

My Invitation to You

To learn more about how to start an affiliate marketing business, I invite you to take a look at My Review of the very best affiliate marketing program available world-wide. I speak from experience, having subscribed to other programs prior to discovering Wealthy Affiliate University. This is where I have met beginners through to experienced affiliate marketers from countries all around the world.

Read Wealthy Affiliate Review

Wealthy Affiliate is the only program I have found where free access is available to learn what affiliate marketing is about. You can access the entire program for 7 days Free of Charge. At the end of 7 days, you have the option of remaining a ‘Starter’ member free of charge, with limited access. Alternatively, Premium membership is available and provides you with access to the entire and incredible program for learning everything you need to know about building a successful affiliate marketing website.

I trust that this article is helpful with regard to learning what affiliate marketing is about.

I would appreciate reading your comments and questions. Please leave them below and I will respond.

Thank you.

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6 thoughts on “Affiliate Marketing for Beginners – What You Need to Know”

  1. Glad you could put that together in a timely way for us Valerie. And going about this track into the affiliate marketing wilderness you have to rely on experience because there are so many people that are just selling your products so you have to wade through all of that and get yourself to where you want to be. I see that you have gained experience where we can gain some of that viable insight from you. Thank you for sharing

    • Hi Andrew,

      I’m happy to share my experience with you and others who are looking for a way to work from home earning an income online.

      It is true what you say about the many people just selling products, being products that don’t help new affiliate marketers to grow their business.

      As it is with any business, there is a lot to learn.  If you need help with building your online business I’m happy to answer your questions.

      Best wishes,

  2. Hey there Valerie,

    I have to say this post is by far the most helpful I have read about affiliate marketing.

    I have been promised by many people that I can make money in a week without a website but I didn’t follow their advice because I want a long term business with affiliate marketing.

    And this is what I get here. Just wanted to say thanks as I go to check out wealthy affiliate. Thanks again for your help.

    • Hi Dave,

      Thanks very much for leaving your comment. I’m pleased to know you are going to look at Wealthy Affiliate which is where you can learn how to make money through your own website.  

      I don’t have faith in being able to make money without a website, and certainly not within a week.  That’s one of those statements that sounds too good to be true.

      All the best,

  3. Your site is beautiful and very well laid out! It’s interesting that we are in the same niche of the marketing world. Helping beginners realize their potential!
    Helping someone pull the trigger and pursue a career in affiliate marketing is a really great feeling !
    The parallels don’t end there ! I read your Wealthy Affiliate review and was smiling the entire time! I got my start at Wealthy Affiliate and I’m still there. In fact I have no reason or time to be leaving!
    No atter how far along you get there is still a plethora of things to learn within Wealthy Affiliate! It is an insanely good value !
    I can tell you 2 things!
    1- Your readers that take your advice and join Wealthy Affiliate for training and web site creation will be back to thank you!
    2- The ones who pass will sadly never know the awesome opportunity that escaped them!

    • Thank you very much Mike for your complimentary comment about my website.  It’s good to know you are promoting the same niche, particularly because you started your online journey with Wealthy Affiliate.  You will certainly be well informed on how to help beginners to build their websites and focus on profitable niches.

      I’m sure there would never be a valid reason for leaving Wealthy Affiliate.  No matter how much knowledge we have as Affiliate Marketers, there are continuous changes in the online world which could be easily be overlooked without a sound source of information readily available.

      All the best.


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