How You Can Start Affiliate Marketing With No Money

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It is quite common to see questions about whether affiliate marketing can be done without spending money. If that is something you are interested in, the good news is, you can start affiliate marketing without spending any money.
As it is with learning most things, there is a right way to learn affiliate marketing. There is also a wrong way and it’s important to be aware of this.

Avoid Starting Affiliate Marketing the Wrong Way

To help you start your affiliate marketing the right way I’m including a little of my early experience. My first attempt at affiliate marketing was definitely not the right way to start, and I’ve learned a lot since those early days.

I started affiliate marketing in 2007 and it cost me heavily to create my first website. In spite of the amount I paid, the site was never published. I just couldn’t get it together correctly and there was no help unless I paid more money.
Paying more money to get help with that website was not an option so I chose to leave affiliate marketing and look at other opportunities.

The Power of Affiliate Marketing Continued to Draw My Attention

Affiliate marketing continued to be something I really wanted to focus on but I absolutely could not spend largely on it. My budget was very small and no longer allowed for paying great amounts and not getting results.

In 2010 I was introduced to WordPress by a friend who kindly created the basis of my first published website. To get the website live online there were costs involved. Those were the cost of a Domain Name, plus a monthly subscription for website hosting. Fortunately, that website was successful within a few months and still continues to earn commissions.

The Process of Enrolling in an Affiliate Marketing Program

There is more than one way of being introduced to an affiliate marketing program. No doubt you will have seen online, various enticements to join a program that will earn you heaps of money.

Perhaps you’ve subscribed to emails about making money online, and have been encouraged to learn about how to do affiliate marketing. Often, the encouragement is in the form of a link to click on where you will find a program that teaches how to make thousands of dollars in a few days or a few weeks.

Statements such as those are called Shiny Objects. Yes, they sound very attractive, but they need to be avoided

 The Attraction of Webinar Invitations

At times you may have been invited to watch a live webinar to learn about a certain affiliate marketing product. If so, you would have experience of spending an hour or more growing your interest and excitement, followed by disappointment when presented with a costly price, Not only was the price costly but, to secure the product, immediate payment was required.

The number of those types of webinars I’ve watched only to find that a product is being sold NOW. The product may still be available in a day, or maybe two days, but there are just a few spaces left and then the opportunity has gone forever! Hard to accept the waste of precious time!

Is it True You Can Start Affiliate Marketing With NO Money?

The good news is that Quality training is available to you now.

The program I am introducing you to is Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membership, and it is totally Free to join.  There is ample training and help for you to have your free website live online in a very short space of time.

Here is Some Wealthy Affiliate Training provided in the Starter program:

  • How to start your own WordPress website
  • Learning how to set Goals
  • Learning how to choose a niche for your website
  • How to do Keyword Research
  • How to create content for your website
  • Use of Plugins on your website
  • Communicating with other people building a website

These are the Wealthy Affiliate Essential Items Provided in the Starter program:

  • 2 Free Websites with Hosting included
  • 2 Free SiteRubix Domain names
  •  Free Website Backup
  •  Free Beginner Training Course
  •  A Free Personal Affiliate Blog
  •  Video walkthrough of the program
  •  WordPress Themes Free of cost

The program teaches how to set up your first website, within approximately 60 seconds. I’m sure you will be surprised to find how incredibly simple it is to create your first website.

If you don’t understand any part of setting up your website, all you need to do is the ask for help.

Looking Towards the Future

If you are serious about earning an income by working at home, affiliate marketing is definitely a good and wise choice to explore, particularly when it’s at no cost.

Advantages of earning income at home are many. A few I consider most helpful are:

  • the choice of working hours that suit me
  • no boss to answer to
  • no traffic to cope with twice daily

No doubt, you would be aware of many advantages of working from home.

What You Will Gain from the Wealthy Affiliate Starter Program

Once you get started with this program and follow the training in detail you will be learning so much more than I can tell you. The reason is that only you know what your desires, dreams, and goals are.  However, I can help you with questions related to affiliate marketing.

In addition to the help I can give you, there is a warm and welcoming community of hundreds of members who have started affiliate marketing through Wealthy Affiliate. There are also hundreds of members who have had other experiences of starting affiliate marketing, similar to my journey.

It’s absolutely true that as a Wealthy Affiliate member you need never feel stuck with growing your affiliate marketing website. There is an area provided where you can ask questions, and receive answers in a matter of minutes.

How Long Can You Stay as a Start Member of Wealthy Affiliate? 

The good news is that Starter Membership is available for as long as you need it. You can stay at the Starter level for life.
However, after 7 days Starter members have limited access.  Access to the full program will cease at the end of 7 days.

Access to your websites remain and you can continue to work on them for long as you choose.

You will also have ongoing access to the Starter level training.

What I believe to be most helpful is that if you decide to advance beyond Starter level, you will have full knowledge of what is involved in the Premium level. This is hugely different from joining a program that you have no real knowledge of, such as I’ve talked about at the beginning of this article.

You are welcome to read my review of the Wealthy Affiliate program. But, I recommend getting involved with the Starter membership and see how much you enjoy creating your first website.

Click Here to Access Starter Membership

If you decide on the Starter level to build your very first website, I suggest concentrating on the training available and not be concerned about what comes next. That will fall into place when you are ready.

Thank you for reading this article.  If you have any questions regarding affiliate marketing you are welcome to leave them below.  I will reply.

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2 thoughts on “How You Can Start Affiliate Marketing With No Money”

  1. Hello Valerie,
    Thank you for this information, it truly brings me joy!! My question is will I earn money using the starter program ?

    • Hi Aneka,

      Thanks very much for your comment. I do appreciate your question and apologise for the delay in responding

      Whether or not you will earn money by using the starter programme is something I cannot promise. If you already have some experience with affiliate marketing, then maybe you could earn money. If you have little experience, it is more likely that you will not earn money.

      The benefit of the Starter programme is that it provides, at no financial cost, an extremely good insight into what affiliate marketing is. In other words, after completing the Starter training programme you can expect to have a great feel of whether affiliate marketing is right for you. This is so much greater than when I first started out and paid thousands of dollars for a six-month mentoring period about affiliate marketing. I knew nothing about affiliate marketing when I signed for that. Having had that experience, followed by a few similar although not quite so expensive experiences, I am very happy to promote the Wealthy Affiliate Starter programme.

      I hope you find this helpful.


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